Color Cascade (2000)

Waldemar Mattis-Teutsch - Color Cascade, H.O.E. Hologram, W:50 cm x H:150 cm, 2000
Waldemar Mattis-Teutsch - Color Cascade (Detail), H.O.E. Hologram, W:50 cm x H:150 cm, 2000

Waldemar Mattis-Teutsch – Color Cascade (2000)

Media: H.O.E. Hologram
Dimensions: W:50 cm x H:150 cm

Fountain-cloud washes his feet.
The sky furiously hawks,
light smirks on his horns.

The sky furiously hawks,
light smirks on his horns.
Fountain-cloud washes his feet.

– Istvan Beki